Wicked Volunteers at FMCP

In July, the cast and crew of Broadway’s Wicked came to Flushing Bay for a full day of stewardship along the FMCP waterfront. The visitors from Broadway were joined by a huge turnout of volunteers from around the five boroughs.

The FMCP stewardship team welcome many new and old faces to the Flushing Bay Promenade, where they dug in with rakes and shovels provided by the Alliance for Flushing Meadows Corona Park to remove litter and debris washed up by the tides on our park’s shoreline. The event was planned and supported by We <3 NYC who brought these groups together to unite behind the cause of a cleaner, greener NYC.

Follow us on social media @AllianceforFMCP or sign up for our volunteer mailing list to be the first to know about upcoming opportunities in the park!

Check out some more pics from this very successful day in Queens below: