What is Earth Hour?
/Earth Hour is a global movement organized by the World Wildlife Foundation to inspire people to take action on environmental issues and to raise awareness of protecting our planet.
Earth Hour is held annually on the last Saturday of March, this year on Saturday, March 23rd from 8:30 PM to 9:30 PM. Over 190 countries will participate by giving back an hour to earth and switching off any non-essential lights.
By turning off any non-essential lights, it encourages people to reflect on their energy consumption and the impact we have on the environment. While the event is just one hour, as a collective this can make a big impact and serve as a reminder to make sustainable choices in our day to day life.
Everyone can participate in giving back an hour for Earth and to reconnect with our planet.
Here are a few ways you can participate in this upcoming Earth Hour:
Turn off any non-essential lights at 8:30 PM for one hour
Take a walk at your local park (Bonus: Become a nature photographer! Take any pictures of wildlife and plants you see while on your walk. You can use Inaturalist to help identify any species of wildlife and plants that you come across)
Reflect on ways to reduce waste and save energy.
Unplug any devices that you aren’t using to conserve energy.
Walk, bike, or take public transportation instead of driving.
There are so many ways you can choose to participate to help give back an hour to Earth! Head over to the Earth Hour page to learn more about the history of this global event and check out some additional activities you can engage with during the “lights off” period.
Here at Flushing Meadows Corona Park, we are committed to protecting the natural areas of our park while engaging with our community members to take action in sustainability efforts. Earth Hour is the perfect opportunity to reflect on how we can contribute to a healthier planet together.
Sign up for our Stewardship Team’s mailing list to be the first to hear about new volunteer opportunities and other ways to build a greener city!
Generous support for the Stewardship Team is provided by grants from Con Edison and Citizens Bank.