Stewardship Service Day

Sunday, January 16, 2022 was the Environmental Stewardship Team’s Stewardship Service Day event taking place during Martin Luther King Jr. Day Weekend along the Pat Dolan Trail for a day of service honoring the legacy of Dr. King. Braving the cold, 13 volunteers were able to remove 7 garbage bags of invasive plant species, litter, and trash from Willow Lake Preserve. The removal of over 200 plastic bottles among other types of litter will create a safer and cleaner environment to be enjoyed by the local birds, animals, and park visitors.

Volunteers also had the opportunity to take part in a scavenger hunt along the trail to scope out winter species, which turned out quite successful. A pair of Downy Woodpeckers, Great Blue Herons, Herring Gulls, and more were seen by our observant volunteers.

Thank you to all our dedicated volunteers who made this day of service a great and memorable one!