The Great Backyard Bird Count is an annual, global citizen science event where observances of any species of bird is recorded. The data collected across the globe helps scientists and researches see populations of species in a real time snapshot.
The count runs from February 16th-19th. Stop by any area of the park during those days, and let us know what you see!
Watch this video to learn all about the annual event:
You may need to download some tools for effective data collection. Visit the official event page to learn more.
When observing our avian neighbors, be sure to keep and share your favorite pics! Email your best shots to
If you're posting on social media, tag us @AllianceforFMCP or use the hashtags #fmcpbirdcount and #fmcpgreatbackyardbirdcount to join other budding ornithologists across the park!
Enter your name and email below to be included in post-event recaps and surveys: